Thread: car washing
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      02-28-2024, 12:09 PM   #12

Drives: '18 F80
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Los Angeles

iTrader: (13)

Originally Posted by Ralph III View Post
Hello OP,

Wo-Wo and Snareman are absolutely correct in their assessment.

The two bucket method is best and safest for the paint. You should ignore any and all other hype that tends to indicate that there are other methods as equally safe. Pre-washing a vehicle, with or without a foam cannon, is good but it is just that. You are pre-washing the vehicle in order to remove as much debri as possible, prior to actually washing it. Pre-washing alone is never going to remove 100% of debris. It would have to be a rarely driven, garage kept vehicle, with a very light layer of dust for that to be possible.

After washing the vehicle (top to bottom, two bucket) with a quality lubricating soap and a wash mitt such as Carpro Merino, you then want to use a rinse aid in adding lubricant to the drying process, if using towels. I highly recommend the Platinum Pluffle towels. Those are really soft and consequently very safe for the finish. Otherwise, you can use a blower or distilled water for a non-contact method.

The above is the best method in reducing and/or limiting the amount of microscopic marring which will inevitably occur irrespective. Don't buy into the hype of rinse-less car washing either, btw. I only recommend that method when there is absolutely no alternative, due to water restrictions or the weather.

I'm a former professional detailer (14 yrs). I've made paint corrections on over 10k vehicles and washed many thousands more, over that period. I've also professionally painted over a dozen vehicles for family and friends going back to the 1980's.

Good Luck,
I wash with 1 bucket and instead of dunking it into a rinse bucket, I just grab a new one. You go through more towels but never introducing a used towel back onto the car is better.
Appreciate 2