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      03-19-2024, 08:19 AM   #8033
Watching The World Burn
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Originally Posted by Murf the Surf View Post
The average response time to 911 calls for TPS is now 22 minutes, a lifetime if you need help. It's clear to me and anyone paying attention that you can't rely on the police/government to protect you, your family or your property.
Yeah, but honestly, I'm more than a little skeptical that if I were successful in protecting my family (and that's a big if since we have no quick access to firearms and they have the element of surprise) and happened to either seriously injure or kill one of the perps that our current "justice" system wouldn't dummy me, instead of them. I figure it would be me behind bars. Don't know how, just feel like it would happen. I've lost faith in our judges.

Probably criminals have some sort of bill of rights that I'm unaware of that prevent bodily harm being done to them while they are carrying out the crime...tongue in cheek there, but sort of not.
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