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      04-05-2024, 01:23 PM   #6
E92inNC's Avatar

Drives: E92 335i
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: woods by the sea

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Originally Posted by p0p View Post
When check her in ask for wheel chair assistant - they will take her from TSA check in to the gate and off the plan to luggage pickup.
Will this require her to be put in a wheelchair? She’s old but healthy and won’t go for that.

Originally Posted by Reborn_ View Post
i would probably book myself back to phoenix (identical to her) and then a 1-way from phoenix to LAX. Will likely cost you a few bucks more, but you're doing a pricey trip regardless.
Yep, I open multiple tabs trying to do that. It’s extra $800-1k more plus an extra 4-6 hours to the return journey, taking the total flight back to Raleigh around 26-29 hours. I’ll do it if I have to, just trying to find other cost and time effective options right now.

Originally Posted by Alfisti View Post
I am a bit of a flight booking guru but I cannot understand what you're trying to do, your description is very confusing. Can you lay it out clearer and I may be able to give you some options. I fly confusing itineries and often book 2 seats for one person so I am used to pulling rabbits out of hats.

Sorry, I can see that myself.

I’m in Raleigh, family is in Phoenix. I’m taking my mom to Saigon, Vietnam for 3 weeks.

I’m flying into Phoenix on a Friday for dinner with the family and spending the night.
Saturday morning the two of us are flying from Phoenix to Saigon, with layovers at LAX/SFO and another somewhere in an eastern Asian country Japan/Philippines/etc

3 Saturdays later we head back. The problem I’m having is my flight package would have different flights than hers due to the return trip.

Hers is Phoenix-LAX-Japan-Saigon and the opposite back
Mine is Phoenix-LAX-Japan-Saigon and Saigon-Japan-Dallas-Raleigh.

For some reason, even on the trip out from Phoenix to Saigon, our packages have us on the same flight to LAX and then different flights for the second and third legs, we arrive in Saigon an hour or two apart. Heading back are all different flights.

Heading out of Phoenix on the first Saturday, I’m trying to have us on the same flights and sitting together until the return layover at LAX, her going back to Phoenix and me to Raleigh.
Appreciate 0