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      06-30-2024, 09:00 PM   #31
Brigadier General

Drives: 2008 Saab 9-3 Combi
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Toronto, Canada

iTrader: (0)

This could take me a long time so I am going to list my hates and not explain why, if anyone ants to l know more on a specific item, i will elaborate. I am referencing a 2013 X3, 2019 Stelvio and several rentals as "newer cars" I have regularly driven. My DD is a 2008 Saab and my fun car a 2009 911.

This is in no particular order;
  • Foot on the brake to start the car
  • Key fobs
  • Auto Braking
  • Lane Assist
  • Climate Control
  • Whatever it is that makes the decision that air shall only be directed to the windshield (to remove condensation) if it is in full blown hot mode.... or it simply won't direct air there
  • Collision warning
  • Seatbelt warning
  • Touchscreen controls for anything related to HVAC or radio volume
  • Radio pre-sets that are not hard buttons
  • Lack of a dipstick
  • Stop/start
  • Throttle lag
  • Trunk won't open until car is off
  • Beeping because a door is open
  • Beeping because the key fob is with someone who left the car for 3 minutes
  • "Digital" handles/locks, hard to describe but the trunk on my saab it's a sort of .... i dunno.. unusual pad with huge lag to unlock the hatch, it's not mechanical/analog
  • electric hand brake (Soooo much lag)

Believe it or not there is a theme here, well two. 1) I despise digital lag, I absolutely loathe pressing something then either not being sure it will work or waiting for it to work, like hands free faucets for example

2) I want control over my device and anything that takes away from that control infuriates me as it stops me from executing my task.

By far and away the dumbest of the above is the hot air only for condensation, on a rainy day it is utter, utterly absurd. One MUST direct air there or one cannot drive but on full hot air the cabin gets incredibly hot, so you open a window and get soaked. It's utterly fucking stupid and I will die on this fucking hill. Idiots.
Appreciate 5