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      07-04-2024, 05:18 AM   #5
Private First Class
JerryW235's Avatar

Drives: 2021 X7 40i; 2021 X3 M40i
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Westminster, SC

iTrader: (0)

We were in a similar position back in '98. We were living in the Atlanta area, and decided to buy a lake house on Lake Hartwell, on the border of GA and SC, about a 2 hour drive. The plan was to use it on weekends and vacations, and eventually retire there. So, we did it, took on another mortgage and tax payment about the same as our primary residence, but we were both working and managed to afford it. Used the lake house as we planned, made great memories and friends there, moved there full time in 2015, I retired in 2016, and my wife in 2018. Best decision we ever made, no regrets from day one. Certainly made improvements to the house and property over the years, added a dock and all the other lake house accessories, but now it's worth about 3 times what we paid for it. It's as much an emotional and quality of life decision as a financial one. We have a lot of friends here that did the very same thing, and no one regrets it. People that move away usually do it for health or family, not financial or lifestyle reasons.
"Horsepower is a terrible thing to waste."
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