Me and my best friend had turned 18 and decided to go to a massage parlor in Hollywood for our birthdays. I know, crazy kids. We bought a case of beer (we already drank one case) and were driving around trying to decide which one to go to. We pulled over, drunk as hell, and were looking through one of those newspapers that advertises massage parlors and all kinds of kinky stuff trying to decide which one to go to. There were several back then.
I left the car running (thinking we wouldn’t be long) but had put it in neutral and pulled the parking brake. We were so drunk after a little bit we both passed out. Next thing we knew a couple of cops were at our doors trying to wake us. Well, we both got arrested that night for public intoxication and were taken to jail and were released the next morning and had to pay a $25 fine. Lucky I didn't get a D.U.I.
I learned my lesson, never drank and drove again, and like my friend above hubbahubba said, have drank in moderation ever since. These days I drink at home and if I ever do have a little too much which might happen now and then at least I know I'm safe.