Thread: Professionalism
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      08-05-2024, 11:09 PM   #9
Samurai of 2day
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Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
I'm not making excuses for rudeness, but the airlines are so screwed up these days and the poor front line staff are the ones taking the heat. Although that doesn't excuse the food vendors or the staff in the shops. I ran across some rudeness from both on our last trip.

BTW, I'd be ready to shoot myself if I had to spend more than a few hours in an airport. 3 days!!!??? Yikes.
You're absolutely right. The "face" (front desk workers and customer service reps) of the massive, faceless corporations behind the airlines and the like, take a lot of abuse from dissatisfied or entitled customers.
So I would imagine that when they are approached with a "good morning" or " hello" or "how's it going " before engaging in the official interaction would spur some sort of basic human courtesy instead of inciting annoyance from doing the very job they CHOSE to do.
Too smart for my own good...
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