Originally Posted by hubbahubba
flybigjet How's the trip going now? Where are you, and what have you seen? Hopefully a little less eventful than day 1?
Trip complete-- I got home late last night. Just a bit over 8400 miles on the bike, including a week at Sturgis.
Saw a couple of bears, a bunch of eagles and a family of foxes. Nice to be where you *might* see a car once every couple of hours.
Not much eventful to report.... except that my buddy somehow managed to punch a hole in the oil pan of his V-Rod. Since I'm more or less the car/motorcycle mechanic in our group of friends, I'm going to have to source a pan and gasket for a 22-year old bike that's no longer in production and then try to replace the pan without pulling the motor. I *think* I can get to everything I need to between the frame rails, but the back bolts will be tough.
Current: F87 M2C, Miata RF-GT, RDX & Element // R1200GS & VRSCF
Previous: E46 M3, Focus ZX3-S2, Superchaged Solara, Samurai, Integra, Pinto & RX-4 // VRSCR, R6S, FZ1 & FZ600