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      10-14-2024, 06:31 PM   #6
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Yes, we've had him on Prednisolone for 5 days now. Took him to our regular vet today to get a longer-term scrip, and they didn't have the same strength, what they sent us home with is weaker, thus a larger "squirt in the mouth". I suspect that's not going to go as easily as what we've been giving him, which he's tolerated surprisingly well.

He's eating and drinking some, but not much. His third eyelid on one eye is drawing up some and the pupil is a little constricted. It was worse the day we took him to the emergency vet, doc there said he thought that might be dehydration. Vet today said there are a myriad of things that can cause that, was not overly concerned about it, rather more concerned with eating and litter activity. Based on everything we know at this point, he likely has somewhere between a few weeks and a few months
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