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      01-03-2025, 09:55 AM   #66
Mosaud1998's Avatar

Drives: 2019 BMW 540
Join Date: Nov 2019
Location: Suburb of Chicago

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2019 BMW 540  [0.00]
Originally Posted by XutvJet View Post
If it were me, I'd only invest in the company 401k up to the match and then open an account at Vanguard and take whatever you wanted to invest in addition to the match and open a brokerage account and have full reign to invest in what you want. IMO, from 20-40ish, it should only be S&P 500 index funds and nothing else. Once you get to 40, then consider some bond funds and maybe a few stocks here and there.

See Warren Buffett's 15 minute retirement plan. It can't be any more simple than that and wildly successful over time. It sure as hell has worked extremely well for over the last 13 years. Prior to that, I didn't know any better and was invested in expensive high fee actively managed funds, had a financial planner, etc. I read up, fired my advisor, went to almost all S&P 500 index funds for 10 years, managed everything myself and my portfolio has grown so much and so rapidly that I could retire at 50 right now if I had to/wanted to.
The company match is 3%. I went with 4%. Meh, it doesn't make a difference. I was going to call Fedlity and get my ROTH IRA investments going, but yesterday at 4 p.m., I had the chills, and had a 103 fever, so that isn't happening.
Current: 2019 BMW 540 (AWD) & 2006 Honda Accord EX-L V6
Sold: 2009 BMW 328 (AWD)
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