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      01-23-2025, 11:00 AM   #18
Major General
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Originally Posted by IanH View Post
Read the room man,

OP is on the forums asking if they can use summer tires in the winter. They aren't an enthusiast and don't need to run season specific tires.

The newest 4 season tires are perfectly adequate for a non-enthusiast driver to run year round and have longer wear life than both winters and summers.
Your post still makes no sense and clearly is an attack on the OP rather than helping to set him straight on the different types of tires.

Sure if that’s your opinion. You don’t need to be an enthusiast to run the proper tire for the correct season. Germany, and other countries, require the proper tire to be used in summer and winter. If an AS (all shit) tire with a M+S tire rating is used, you’re limited to 50 kph in winter conditions. That doesn’t sound like all shit tires are just as good as winter tires. There’s a significant difference between all shit tires and winter ice and snow tires, let alone winter performance tires. Additionally, all shit tires come nowhere near the performance and grip of a summer tire (to cover all seasons) regardless of whether he’s an enthusiast or not.
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