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      02-10-2025, 01:12 PM   #101
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Ok fine, didn't want to make a giant quote reply post but I guess we'll do it anyway...

Originally Posted by Teutonic View Post
No, the EV doesn't do it for me. Any electric motor does that. I want an engaging car, not a train. There's nothing new here, moving on. If A to B in a soulless machine is what you want, you've made a good choice.
That is your opinion and you are entitled to that.

Originally Posted by Teutonic View Post
An M5 takes the gas from the tank, pumps it into the engine, gets sparked, exploded, moves the pistons, sends it to the gears, and transmits power to the wheels — and still manages insane performance numbers. THAT IS TRUE ENGINEERING!

An EV just takes the juice and sends that impulse to the wheel motor. Over 100-year-old technology, and yet still very unreliable. It’s fine for a tram, constantly drawing power from the grid, but a battery-powered car?
Uh, the ICE is also 100 year old technology and we don't need to even bring up reliability with respect to maintaining a gas engine. Electric motors are also engineering and acting like it isn't does a disservice to everyone who's built and designed these machines. Complexity doesn't mean better engineering, in fact I'd argue the inverse - electric motors are way more efficient than combustion engines.

But both have their merits and have seen awesome advances in technology, efficiency, and power delivery. Again, it's not binary, both can be cool propulsion methods.

Originally Posted by Teutonic View Post
And the environmental cost of producing those batteries? It’s literally worse for the planet than oil will ever be.
Has been debunked countless times.

Originally Posted by Teutonic View Post
Phoenix, Arizona is not Canada. In the last four years, I’ve rescued two people stuck in their Teslas. One was a friend who bought a Model X, but it ran out of juice when it was -40°C (or °F, they’re the same at that point). He sold it the next week and bought a Porsche. He’ll never look at EVs again and admitted it was a dumb decision.

Another guy was stranded on the road on my way from Jasper, and his car just died. dark and cold. He also ditched his Model 3.
Of course it works for millions of people. Only California has 38 million people or so. But that is not for everyone and not in every climate.
I used to live in Minnesota. EV worked fine. It's not a big deal. Used to have ICE/diesel work trucks that would give us more trouble in the cold winters there, honestly. I had to drive a coworker to work several times because his ICE car wouldn't start. Doesn't mean I think ICE cars suck or are unusable. It happens. Anecdotes are not data - millions of people manage EVs in cold weather without being stranded. Now reduced range in cold weather, that actually is a legitimate sticking point if you're someone who drives long distances often.

Originally Posted by Teutonic View Post
EVs might work in your city — they're limited, easy to control, and grid-dependent. But freedom? Not so much.
Literally have taken it on a cross country road trip, but ok. Guess that's not free enough lol.

Originally Posted by Teutonic View Post
either way, enjoy it. But also stop preaching how good it is and how old ICE is. You are wrong. Is not that good and ICE will beat it in so many aspects. Not everyone lives a grid dependent life.
Always hilarious to hear someone sharing their opinion and considering it fact. Usually know where the conversation is going to end up pretty quickly. Almost everything you mentioned as fact can be debunked and has been ad nauseum, or is just your personal opinion or view. Of course EVs have their drawbacks, nobody is going to claim they're perfect or better than ICE in every way. I still own an ICE car myself, I'm no "ICE hater". But if you refuse to see things in a nuanced way and it's all "EV bad, ICE good" then nobody here is going to change your mind. But thanks for coming on a thread specifically about an EV to talk about how much you prefer your ICE car, and explaining to people who daily EVs why their own cars don't work for them.

Sigh, moving on...
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Last edited by ubercruise; 02-10-2025 at 01:53 PM..
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