Considering trading in 2 of our 3 cars for a truck - maybe a Tundra SR5… I’ve only owned SUV’s - Volvo &
Merc mountaineer and German Cars, bmw, benz. Vw’s.
I’m not asking what you personal prefer - but what are the pros and cons based on your experience?
My thinking is - we find ourselves needing a truck often - my son will likely get whatever I buy in 5 yrs - and I’d rather him be in a truck - trucks these days have come a long way in terms of styling and interior comfort and accessories.
Obv slower less nimble, no driver engagement - but I could lift it off road it tow with it and load it up with toys for a weekend away easier.
Stage 2 BM3
Originally Posted by GrussGott
Sounds pizzagatey.