Thread: Trucks
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      02-13-2025, 09:51 AM   #5

Drives: Miata, ES350, Model 3, F350
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: South Florida & NC

iTrader: (1)

I don't have any experience with Toyota trucks, but I did this exact same trade back in like 2016 or 2017. Traded my Camaro SS and a 550i I had for an F150. The main reason I got the truck was to tow our 27' (at the time) travel trailer. First truck I had ever owned or even driven.

I really liked it a lot. I didn't find many downsides apart from the obvious size and it's not a sports cars. However the ride and comfort and luxury features were all there and great.

My only advice is drive different trucks. For example I hated the GMC 1500 I drove before getting the F150 and now I have an F350 which is a totally different beast and I ONLY have it for towing our now 32' travel trailer and doing truck stuff. Would not want to drive that around as a main vehicle.

Which brings up something else. If you plan to tow... look at the payload capacity. Most people focus on the manufacturers tow rating which is BS because you will run out of payload waaaay before you run out of towing capacity. That's the main reason we switched from the F150 to the F350.
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