Originally Posted by Needsdecaf
First of all, everyone who's anti EV can calm down. The ICE M Cars aren't going anywhere for a while. Maybe keep an open mind and, I don't know, TRY it?
Second of all, if you're not an EV fan (and possibly even if you are but aren't super nerdy) I don't think you understand what kind of shift change this represents for BMW and auto manufacturers as a whole.
See one of Tesla's biggest contributions to automotive, aside from proving that EV's could be cool and desirable, is vertical integration. Watching the first half of this Inevitable podcast with Ali Javidan, one of the first people at Tesla, explain it is a good way to digest the info quickly. Here's a video timecoded to the start of the discussion however I'd recommend watching the whole thing:
As he explains, vertical integration is such a huge game changer. Want to know why? Listen to Jim Farley explain the mess that having separate control modules made by separate suppliers creates:
1. The control module suppliers own the IP for the control software.
2. None of the modules are designed to talk to each other
3. Getting them to talk to each other is a process and slows down communications.
4. Trying to make updates, whether it be in person or heaven forbid OTA, is a nightmare. Why do you think only Tesla, Rivian and Lucid make any kind of significant OTA's?
Bottom line is that [...]
One could summarize this any better. Looking forward to the production ready model.