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      02-23-2025, 09:12 AM   #8516
Lieutenant Colonel

Drives: BMW 2024 M8 Competition Coupe
Join Date: Jun 2022
Location: Benton County, AR

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Originally Posted by sygazelle View Post

The topic of speeding has come up before but it's been a long time and I don't remember your answer.

On the freeway when road conditions are good, how much over the speed limit must a vehicle be going to get you to pull them over and give the driver a ticket?

For context to the reason for my question: I was going eastbound on Interstate 80 and was going to be way early for a meeting so I stayed in the right two lanes with the semi rigs and just hung out. Much to my surprise, I had to stay a minimum of 70mph to keep up with the trunk in front of me and all of the cars in the 1st and 2nd lane were passing us like we were standing still, probably averaging 80 mph or more. Yes, each of those vehicles is exceeding the speed limit and subject to a speeding ticket, but what scenario would cause you to pull one of the speeding vehicles over and cite the driver?

My experience driving in the SF Bay Area and all over the western half of the country one can get pulled over for any speed over the limit or believe it or not even if going *under* the limit if one's sports car is mistaken by the officer for the car which was actually speeding.

I got pulled over for 10mph over on 17 in Fremont CA. I was in my 996 Turbo. But I also got pulled over for 10mph over on I40 out in the Texas panhandle. And every vehicle was going 10mph. My Turbo with CA plates of course came in for special attention.

In AZ a state trooper told me he holds drivers of sports cars to higher standard than drivers of of "lesser" vehicles. I'm sure he's not the only LEO that feels that way.
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