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      03-06-2025, 12:50 PM   #8518
Law Enforcer
Sedan_Clan's Avatar

Drives: '22 Chalk Gray Porsche C2S
Join Date: Jun 2006
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Originally Posted by RockCrusher View Post
My experience driving in the SF Bay Area and all over the western half of the country one can get pulled over for any speed over the limit or believe it or not even if going *under* the limit if one's sports car is mistaken by the officer for the car which was actually speeding.

I got pulled over for 10mph over on 17 in Fremont CA. I was in my 996 Turbo. But I also got pulled over for 10mph over on I40 out in the Texas panhandle. And every vehicle was going 10mph. My Turbo with CA plates of course came in for special attention.

In AZ a state trooper told me he holds drivers of sports cars to higher standard than drivers of of "lesser" vehicles. I'm sure he's not the only LEO that feels that way.
This is inconsistent with anything I’ve experienced and/or heard from colleagues over the last 15 or so years of law enforcement service. Truthfully, nobody cares about a sports car nor a car color. I mean that. Nobody cares. Maybe up in the Bay the uppity yups do, but in general, cops don’t care. By way of actual numbers, I’ve rarely ever cited or even pulled over sports car drivers unless they were being complete clowns begging for attention.

Originally Posted by HerkHealer View Post
I recently watched a YT video of a Police SGT who got fired by his Chief.
He was caught twice in one Month going well over 100mph chasing someone at night without his lights and sirens on. They showed the in car video and it was crazy. At one point he was going 148 mph weaving in and out of traffic.

He eventually put his lights and siren on, but it was after at least a minute or two.
Even worse, both cars he was chasing got away.

Has this happened in your Department?
We would get fired as well. Our policy allows for 25 MPH over the prima facie limit, but even with that considered we are supposed to use reason during a pursuit. We should be able to discern when a pursuit is becoming too dangerous and terminate immediately. It’s all department liability and regard for the safety of the public. We have been allowed to “play” outside of that 25 MPH on occasion depending on where the pursuit is occurring, time of day/night, severity of the crime, etc.

Last edited by Sedan_Clan; 03-06-2025 at 12:52 PM..
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