Thread: Firearms
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      03-06-2025, 09:01 PM   #7646
Brigadier General

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Join Date: Feb 2014
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Originally Posted by iX nOOky View Post
Right now yes I have the Banish 45 on the pc carbine or screwed onto my SS MR920 pistol. I plan to put the Banish 45 on the Ruger LC 45ACP I just ordered today and get another suppressor for 9mm. The Banish has the ability to swap out the piston and go from 45 down to 22lr, but I only ordered the 9mm spare piston.

I'm debating on what optic for the new 45 carbine, possibly the Holosun 510c with the green reticle.

I bought a bunch of 9mm and 22lr ammo to shoot through both the two suppressors I ordered. As for 9mm I think the 147 Federal was the loudest, and the Winchester Suppressed the quietest. They are organized in order in the attached picture from loudest to quietest based on my testing. 115 and 124 grain stuff of course still makes a crack through the carbine, still need ear plugs.
Thanks for the reply and the info on the ammo you used. Have you done any mods to your PCC? And have you had any cycling issues running the subsonic ammo (both unsuppressed and suppressed)?
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
We might not be in an agreement on Trump, but I'll be the first penis chaser here to say I'll rather take it up in the ass than to argue with you on this.
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