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      08-31-2008, 10:53 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by pmeloche View Post
The Me 262 was a jet fighter so technically the P-51 still was the best prop plane of the war, the F4U being a close second.

The FW 190 always was overshadowed by its older sibling the Bf 109. The Bf 109 was already famous when WWII broke out but it was a design that had reached its limit by 1940 with the Bf 109E version. The later F, G, and H variants were meant to improve the "Emil" variant but there was no major leapfrog in performance.

The FW 190 was already from the start a better airframe than the "Emil" variant of the Bf 109 but was always overshadowed by the reputation of the Bf 109 who was still a formidable piece of machinery albeit an aging one with little left for improvement.

If the germans had chosen to mass-produce their best designs like the americans did with the P-51 and P-47 it could have been a different ball game over the skies of Europe. Thankfully they did not.

Accurate response pmeloche. And they were close to the 'Bomb'. Ain't History channel great???

P.S. Just noticed we both have 113 posts.......

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