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      10-14-2008, 01:36 PM   #54
Careful, I Bite.....
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Originally Posted by vq352k View Post
I need to replace the kernel.dll file from the system32 folder and it wont let me even tho im the admin(or im suppose to be) b/c of that it wont let me load my memory card from my digital cam. Plus I'm really used to windows XP, having this vista 64 sucks b/c i can't even install some software I need for work and my company said if you got the 64bit version we can't do anything sorry.

I wanted to try it, but now is just too much of a headache
As you found out, Vista has two different types of administrators. You need to enable the "Super User" administrator account.

Here's how:

Go to Start and type: cmd.exe In the results, right click the CMD.EXE
item and select the Run As Administrator option.

In the command window, type the following:

net user administrator /active:yes

And press Enter.

You can now open Control Panel/User Accounts and you will see the
Administrator account there. The Administrator account will also show up on the log-in screen.
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