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      10-20-2008, 12:53 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Neurorad View Post
"Then I focused on the humming noise and said to myself, "breathing in I realize the humming noise, breathing out I realize the impermanence of the humming noise." I was accepting the noise and allowing it to just sound--not judging it or fighting its presence. I was realizing the interconnectivity of sounds as I heard the birds at our feeder chirping away their beautiful song at the same time as the truck was humming away. Neither is any better or worse then the other. All sounds have the same value as any other. It is us who judge them as annoying or bothersome or good or soothing."
Deep man. Deep.

I have a pretty open and fair mind. I have killed a few doves(ate them) one squirrel who was driving my doberman to insanity and a few frogs.

The jay was doing his thing in my neighbors yard yesterday. I heard some crack and the bird stopped. He threw a pine cone at it. Those heavy closed and dense type. Not the light open ones.

This bird has a set of pipes like I have NEVER heard. And proud of it.
Crazy Diamond
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