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      11-23-2008, 02:17 AM   #81
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Originally Posted by xxForgedxx View Post
This is the woman thread not the few and the proud or an army of one, or army strong or be all you can be. Holy I'm drunk and just made out with the phattest assed hottie, I wanna licker butt. MMM shes SO HOT!
Originally Posted by xxForgedxx View Post
Can't, just met her tonight on the dance floor. Not like I snapped pics with my phone to post up, that's sketchy as fuck. But she had back dimples, a phat beautiful ass and she was an amazing dancer/kisser = sex would be amazing.
two things...
1) alcohol can make fat chicks look good. watch out dude. make sure you have a sober friend to do the proper gentleman's cockblock if necessary.
2) wtf are you doing on e90post if you just macked on that chick? get back out there s*****.
Originally Posted by anmcguire View Post

Great word... when I was a teenager coming out of high school my recruiter into the Marines was a guy named SSgt. Dan Mulvihill. He was one of the Marines in the recon unit on hill 448 in Vietnam (the most decorated small unit in the history of the U.S. military).

One of the first things he did was go though the use of the word fuck as every conceivable part of speech, including syllable (abso-fucking-lutely). It's nice to see the word get the recognition it deserves.

BTW, read about hill 488 if you have any interest in military history and if you get the chance. It was a ridiculously intense fight that pitted 15 Marines and 2 Corpsmen against a battalion of north vietnamese regulars. They started throwing rocks at the NVA when they were running low on ammo. The Vietnamese soldiers thinking they were grenades would run out into the open providing a clear shot and conserving ammo. My recruiter ended up with a grenade fragment knocking out his front teeth among other injuries. Only 6 of the Marines on that hill survived. 200+ NVA were killed. More on the battle is available here:

shit that waaay off-topic.
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