Originally Posted by xxForgedxx
I graduated basic training from Fort Leonardwood, MS in 2006 and trained there as a 21B, Combat Engineer. I reclassed to become a member of a forward surgical team in the 804th med brigade and was recommended for Sapper school as well as Drill Sergeant school but turned down said slots for a scholarship in an officer producing program. I am now a Cadet. I volunteered for Iraq and Afghanistan twice with Civil Affairs out of Fort Bragg, NC and an MP unit in Conn. They had no slots available so I continued on with my aspirations to become an Officer. So do yourself a favor, if you are going to call someone out about NOT being a service member. Don't fucking let it be me. Posting the things I do has nothing to do with how I serve or the level of quality of my service when a job needs to get done, this is a forum not a fucking promotion board you smart ass. And until you do something for the country don't say shit about what I do. Frat boy
Good for you, then you should be conducting yourself in a professional manner in public, which includes public forums. BTW, I graduated MCRD San Diego in 1995, moved on to ELINT school at Corry Station where I trained to become a 2631. My duty station was Cherry Point, NC and included pumps to Japan (both Iwakuni and Okinawa) in support of operations against North Korea and operations Deliberate Guard (Bosnia) and Silver Wake (the evacuation of Albania). I also was stationed at the JNIMTC Dam Neck VA, the NAWC Pt. Mugu CA, and several other places including SERE training at New Brunswick. I did eight years of total service in the Marine Corps, most if it (six years) as an NCO, four active and another four reserved.
The point is the way you conduct yourself as a member of the armed forces isn't just reserved for promotion boards it's a reflection on the military as a whole. You're general attitude sucks. Article 133 FFS. Man up and act the role son. You act like a drunken frat boy FFS.
EDIT: Since this is WAAAYYY off-topic I'm not going to post anymore off-topic stuff in this (or other) threads. PM me if you want to continue the, err, discussion.