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      12-28-2008, 07:03 PM   #49

Drives: Chevy Aveo
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Parent's Basement

iTrader: (7)

here's my 2 cents on the issue: i live in texas, almost everyone i know has a gun, including myself, i grew up around them, everyone i know has too, and there isn't a problem with any of us or virtually 99% of all gun owners. in texas, whether i have a concealed carry permit or not, i can legally carry my gun in my car as long as it's concealed. is it a brilliant idea? i don't think so, but those are my own personal politics. does it bother me that the guy in the lane next to me might be packing heat? not really...but i also truly believe that 99% of gun owners aren't crazed lunatics that would jump at the chance to use it, which seems to be the extreme stereotype. myself, i fear the day that i would actually have to use a gun in self-defense, but i'd like to have that option dare i ever need to use it. i've considered a CHL license, probably would do it, but just isn't that important to me. to sum it all up, i really don't see a problem with responsible gun ownership.
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