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      01-07-2009, 02:25 PM   #9
Nigerian Prince
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Originally Posted by rickc View Post
habla "Human?"

is this a DOS command for a batch file?
lol... that's as human as it gets for me
wont work in DOS, but will work on any Unix/Linux based OS (including Mac OS). all you need is ImageMagick installed (convert command is a part of it).

Basically it takes every *.jpg (can be anything, really) file in the directory, resizes it to fit 1024x768 (it will do 768x1024 is the image is vertical), and will output to a file with "-resized" appended to the name.

DSC0701.jpg -> DSC0701-resized.jpg

Very basic shell one-liner. I mean i can add more logic to it, if needed, but i just decided to keep it simple....
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