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      01-11-2009, 03:20 AM   #1
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HTC (or any) phone suggestions

alright, well, i currently have a samsung eternity. its a good phone, however, texting is a fucking bitch. the landscaping qwerty keyboard sounds like a good idea but its about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. in addition, the interface is a bit sloppy. i was looking at HTC phones prior to the samsung and im now reconsidering them. there are 2 things which are absolutely essential to me:

1. the internet browser has to be good.
2. texting must work flawlessly.

(3.) if there is a 3.5mm headphone jack and good GPS even better

im not limiting my choices to HTC, i simply thought they were good looking phones. any feedback on the brand would be helpful, suggestions for other phones (other than the iphone) would be greatly appreciated as well)


need new phone, must have good browser & texting
Appreciate 0