Thread: road raged
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      01-12-2009, 01:45 AM   #1
krnnerdboy's Avatar

Drives: v10 m6
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: so cal

iTrader: (10)

road raged

coming home from church with my wife top down in my z4 m...I'm stopped at a red light and a truck pulls up next to me . 3 guys and a girl in the truck are looking at us, and one of the guys starts saying shit to my wife "I'd fuck you" "I'd fuck you in the neck" ....My wife doesn't even look over and I'm just looking right back w/o saying a word. Those guys were trailer trash if I've ever seen it. Looked alot like those neo nazi guys on youtube where they beat up random people. They were definitley on something and I'm guessing something speed related as they were pretty pumped.

They continue to talk shit, and to me there was no threat since they were not out of the car. They were very unenamored that I was not reacting to their comments, which caused them to continue to elevate in their crudeness. I definitely lost my cool when my wife started to cry. the light turns green and they start to move following right next making it clear to me they were not going let me on my way. I gun ahead and do the cut/slam. I looked in the rear view to see everyone flying around in the truck(priceless) as no one had their seatbelts on . I continued down as they turned away.

About a mile from where they turned out I was at a redlight(this interesection is packed w/ at least 25 cars) I am trying to calm down my wife when I hear running and cursing right behind me. It was then I realized they turned the street not to get away but to change drivers. I look over my shoulder and see 2 running at me within 10 feet, and one with there shirt off and in hand perhaps concealing something. I reacted and turned right with the perfect drift and speed off to the interstate to head home.

Somebody was definitely watching over me! If there was a car in front of me I would have had no exit and second if I stalled I don't want to think of what could have happened. When I got home I shared this story with some friends. The women said they get these comments regularly(I'll fuck the shit out of you, split you in two)...walking/ jogging, school, clubs, gyms. Are you shitting me????!!! Please don't tell me any of you guys are the ones saying this shit to women? I am pissed beyond explanation and next time I won't be running, b/c my wife will learn to drive stick, tomorrow. As I would never endanger my wife to sit there like a duck as I go on my rampage

thanks for reading

bring it

F80 m3, 997 gt3, 14 ram ctd, f15 x5, drz400sm

Gone:z4m, boss 302, c6 z06, m6,z3m
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