Originally Posted by convinceme
Ok my friend told me to try this and it was soooooo funny you have to try it if you are on a date with a chick and you know she can take a joke...
Ok as well make sure she won't spray you with Pepper Spray or be violent in any way lolol...
wow this sounds bad already lolol...
Ok well here's the joke, I'll just tell you how it went...So I pick up this girl on a date first one (i know its not going to go anywhere so does she basicly just something to do) so anyways... I pick her up she's looking at the car all happy and perky, she goes inside were driving and its like 8:30pm and I decide to take her through this very windy road thats secluded 2 lanes only and I the whole time and being quiet and just making lil creepy phsicotic stares at her... shes talking and i'm just going mmhhmmmm in a creepy way... so as we stop at a light I say to her "Do you want to hear my favorite song?" and I'm starring at her she's looking at me strange, "ummmm Sure I guess ok?" So I play Rape Me by Nirvana and as soon as Kirk Cobain starts singing I'm staring at her going down the straight road (its straight for like 3-4miles) and theres no one coming towards me its a deserted road... so I stare at her speeding up the car not looking at the road singing to her "rape meeeeeee" rape meeeeeeeeee lolol she starts freaking out like saying look at the road and shes just being squished in to the seat basicly like she was being cornered.....
LOLOLOL Ok long story short I told her i'm just messing she got pissed and said my god I thought you were like taking me to some secluded place to like rape me lololol, it was pretty funny just saying if you wanna have some fun give it a go, ya its messed up but hey its funny right? 
The dumbest post of 2009. Congrats.