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      09-08-2008, 01:10 PM   #2
spudw's Avatar

Drives: 2009 128i
Join Date: Jul 2006
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He makes it sound so simple, as though everybody and his brother wouldn't find a way around a speed limiter.

And if limiting speeding is so simple, let's go ahead and cut the production and distribution of guns and outlaw tobacco production. Let's force fast food chains to only serve salad and fruit juice and limit alchohol content in beer, wine, spirits and liqueurs to 0.5%. All of these things kill people too...

Making sure idiots don't get behind the wheel drunk or stoned is one thing, and that should be a priority. As should dealing with street racing. But completely castrating our cars? What a stupid article.

And there is a big difference between speeding and wreckless driving. Where the author sees an absence of speeding in DOT reports, some of that is probably hidden under wreckless driving stats. Two very different things.

At 65mph I'm bored and complacent. At 85mph I'm alert and attentive. I'd say the latter is safer.
2009 BMW 128i ~ Jet Black ~ Sport Package ~ Sunroof ~ USB Integration ~ Delivered on October 14, 2009
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