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      11-28-2008, 03:19 AM   #36
monokuro boo
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Drives: 135i AW
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: the peeve

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Originally Posted by 135i RiDa View Post
I been racing the 135i against the sti,evo and i have been getting beaten ridiculously they them. Aren't our cars faster. I keep on making the excuse that "my car is not realistic in the game" to my buddies. lol. they have evo's and sti's . well gotta do it up in real life then, on the track of course. But seriously i've heard alot ppls beat sti's and evo's in there 1's
hmm i dont know the evo 10 is super fast... sti's r whatever *sorry everyone and anyone that has one or likes them! * but my friend has an evo 10 n it it way faster then even the 9's modified
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