Originally Posted by limited_slip
I am sorry if I offended you.
1) I politely ask you to please calm down
2) I respectfully ask you to check your emotion and ego at the door
3) Stop taking everything so personal.
4) Lastly, don't be so defensive. Life is not about a popularity contest. everyone (including god and the pope himself) has critics.
Originally Posted by xxForgedxx
Have at it ******, we wanna here MOARRRR in your official call out thread. Are you ready to be banned retard? I wish I can shoot your ass
I noticed that you edited the message I sent you, and tried to make me look like I was actually saying some out of line things to you such as profanity and threats. Unfortunately for you I have a screen shot of the outbox message proving that youre just digging yourself deeper with trolling and lies. Here you are, enjoy.
The fact of the matter regarding awards and the lack there of is different in the reserve world in comparison to active duty. A good unit will make sure those who do well get recognized, a poor one will not really care. I had to remind my unit administrator 3-4 times after each drill just to PAY me, let alone someone putting me in for an award. And then you have the guys who show up to annual training and instead of high speed individuals getting certain awards, everyone gets an AAM because they were there, douche bag or not douche bag.
As far as the deployments? You clearly don't understand how things work and that is why limited_slip, you should educate yourself beyond wikipedia because you sound like an idiot. You have no service under your belt, so how is anything you say credible. One of those, until you do it shut your fucking face type deals. You are simply doing everything you can to smear my career, this is why you felt the need to edit my message and make me look bad by putting your OWN tid bits in there. Anyone can wrap text in quote tags bud.
You don't dodge deployments, there is no dodging to be done. You are in a unit, and if your unit is on the block for that fiscal year then you go, if it isn't then you don't. I would hope someone SO educate about deployment dodging would know more about this. That the Army isn't stupid, and if it were possible to "dodge combat deployments" for 4 years... that many others would be doing it as well. Take care high speed, you'll always be a DB in my book.
See post 12 for the message limited_slip edited and wrapped in tags to make me look like an ahole. He might edit it though and take the quote out.