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      04-10-2009, 06:40 AM   #11
ChrisV's Avatar

Drives: 1998 BMW 740iL
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Pikesville, MD

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1998 740iL  [6.00]
I like it. More inexpensive sport coupes can't be bad for competition. Of course teh interior is going to be cheap. the whol point is to be inexpensive, not be another luxury car. I don't see why we demand that every car BE a top luxury car to be worth buying. That sort of elitist entitlement mentality is why we don't have good basic lightweight cars anymore.

As far as the copying goes, i think it looks better than the cars mentioned that it copied from. And to some degree all cars copy from each other, that;'s how design moves forward, and why cars dont look like these anymore:

Cars of similar eras have always looked very similar, to the point where it's hard to tell them apart if you aren't fans of that era. Without looking at the properties, which one of these is the Ford, and which one is the Peugeot?

1998 740iL

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