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      10-30-2006, 12:33 PM   #10
boku no namae ha...

Drives: 2006 BS 330i
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: S. Bay Area, CA + Newark, NJ + ChiCity + True Blue

iTrader: (11)

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2006 E90 330i  [0.00]
Originally Posted by zzinco79
not bad man!

8-10 psychology... damn it.... 12 to 2 excel vba... damn it.... 2 to 4 statics... damn it.... 4 to 6 writing.... damn it.... finally, 6 to 8 university physics... damn it....

have same frickin schedule on wed.

currently sitting in excel vba class in computer lab and fuckin no idea what the hack array is .

anyone can explain me about array in easiest as possible???

thats pretty intense for a monday... how are your other days? my easiest days are tues, thurs, fri... with one class in the morning (730-9am or 8-9am) and then one class sometime at night or the afternoon... its pretty good having those really early annoying classes 730's n' 8's cause then i can hit the gym right after but that means u gotta sleep earlier...
looking for a PreLCI Black Sapphire e90 front bumper without license plate holes

"Akimbo shotguns. Broken wrists anyone? And don't give me that 'it's just a game' bull****. Where the **** are my akimbo interventions then?! One scope on each eye mother****er!!"
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