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      06-30-2009, 10:11 PM   #1
First Lieutenant
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Do you compare girls?

I'm having problems with my current girlfriend, well... not between us but within my self. I like this girl, she's good looking, good to me, and I do feel something for her. But for some reason she isn't like the last girl that I was so close to but so far from, the girl I loved and she loved me back but something just... I can't explain. It's that feeling where you don't even care what is going on, you just know what you feel something, the feeling you get when you forget logic and hang on to the feeling be it smart or dumb. How does one cure this? Do you ever compare women? The one who makes you feel and the one you like having around? For some reason passion strikes me different from someone I have fun with, like and like to be around and with. I don't want to lose my girlfriend because I like her a whole bunch but I don't get a tingly feeling with her. WTF. Help.
gentle now the tender breeze blows, whispers through my Gran Torino, whistling another tired song, engine humms and bitter dreams grow, heart locked in a Gran Torino, it beats a lonely rhythm all night long
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