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      08-19-2009, 03:05 PM   #4
2006 join date crew

Drives: 2006 325i, 2011 335i
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: CA, Sacramento

iTrader: (10)

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2011 335i  [10.00]
2006 325i  [0.00]
Originally Posted by txusa03 View Post
have you tried a right click on the document for the hidden menu and see if there is an option to save the file?

Or instead of pointing the cursor at the name of the document text, point the cursor at the square icon with the (109MB) and see if it lets you download the document.
no hidden menus, square block is just a picture and pic related stuff comes out (save as, email, etc) if right clicked whole thing is selected (look at the pic)

what dives me nuts is why did they put size in there, as if it was available for dl.
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