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      09-01-2009, 09:28 PM   #19

Drives: Audi RS5 S-Tronic
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Salzburg, Austria

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Originally Posted by radiantm3 View Post
Sure it is. The VW defenders clearly said they put those rims on their cars because they think it looks good and we should respect their opinions. The "ricers" are putting crap on their cars for the same reason. They think it looks good too. Why should we have to respect one group and not another? Looks are completely subjective.
No, rebadging is different. VW heads don't put Merc wheels and act like they drive a Merc. Also, VW owners aren't ricers by any means, they are intense at DIY stuff and aren't tools. Why respect VW people? Because they know what they are doing, they don't put R32 badges on their Jetta and expect people to believe them. Ricers put random shit on their car in the hopes of fooling people that they have what they really don't. Yes, it is easy to look at ricers and the VW scene and think that they are the same. In reality, people tend to judge the VW crowd based on what they think they are. I understand their scene, their pursuit to be unique. Ricer's can't be respected because they put Type R badges on every panel. VW owners should be respected because more often than not, they know their car at an intimate level. Go through a ricer forum, then a VW forum and tell me that you respect ricers more.
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