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      01-01-2007, 12:55 AM   #178
Lieutenant Colonel

Drives: had e90, 330i mystic blue
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Weston,Florida

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2006 e90 330i  [0.00]
Guys I'm in Gatlinburg TN and I havent see the 1st e90 yet lol , I'm driving a rental (ford focus) and yesterday I was on a traffic light and a scion tc pull next to me with 3 kids in it. the driver rev the engine, and I start laughing and I took my keyfob and show it to him and I say "You are lucky that this is a rental and no my bimmer " I'm not a show off but how can someone show off his scion by racing a focus? I make him look stupid

I don't know how people on this state will react to a BMW. most people here drive BIG american cars! in Ft Lauderdale there are bimmers everywere so people don't see them as a expesive cars.
E90 Mytic Blue 330i 07-20-2006. 05-17-2011
Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural? Support NORML
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