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      01-11-2007, 09:48 AM   #5
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I theorise, but have no proof, that there is a certain IQ level, above which the eccentriccity increases at least directly with each point increase.

I remember one instructor in an Engineering class. We could all understand his accented English, but he said "yah" at the end of each sentence, almost like it was a question. It was a mind-numbing 1:45 lecture twice a week, and eventually we started to count "yahs" just to stay awake. At one point, someone snapped and at the end of one yah, a huge YAH! echoed back from the audience. We didn't hear too many more yahs in that class.
I'm not saying you should do something like that at all, but it's a big world and it happens. MAYBE you could ask to speak privately with the prof, or go to office hours, and discuss that you are having difficulty understanding his accent. Maybe just spending some time with him will give your ears the opportunity to catch his accent and begin to understand?
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