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      01-17-2007, 12:34 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by markis64
Im not about to start world war 3 or anything like that, this is a car forum... YES u make good points but at the end of the day I am positive that if in deed lets just say for example an african american and a white student were in front of a college admissions staff to say, Harvard. They both have the same grades, SAT's, great teacher evaluations but the white kid was on the varisty football team and he was ranked all american at his high school. Are u telling me that he wont get looked over because Harvard needs to establish its reputation as an equal education provider (taking affirmative action applicants over non affirmative action students)? Yes this kind of situation happens all the time, all i was trying to say is that if education is supposed to be the best man or woman for the position then let it be EQUAL. Make no affirmative action, make no quotas, make NO EXCEPTIONS just because daddy knows the CEO of SONY doesnt give him an advantage. And you know what how dare u say that kids dont try hard enough to get into college. These are AMERICAN schools, AMERICAN students deserve to get the upper hand before other countries. Thats my opinion hate it if u want but its just my opinion.
I don't particularly believe in affirmative action, but arguments can be made both ways.

Yes this is a car forum...and we are in the off-topic section. What is your point?

American students *do* get the upper hand. How dare I say that students don't try hard enough? It's pretty obvious. Look around at high schools here, versus how hard kids work in high schools in say, Eastern Europe, China, India, etc.

And I'm not the one doing the hating.
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