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      01-17-2007, 04:11 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by teknochild
wow good job mr "this board is full of racists" not a hypocrit at all

japanese is nothing like indian, AFAIK indian -> english has to learn a hell of a lot less new phonetic terms comapred to japanese -> english so its not even fair to compare the two in the first place
Good luck in your classes. And thanks for sharing your cultural dilemma with the board. It certainly enlightened me to your cultural perspective, and to the plight of so many within this great country. It's truly a tragedy that a young scholar like yourself would have to endure foreign talk in classes at your American university. This truly speaks to the heart of our country, as it shows how mixed up we've become in our instruction of our youth. When you exit the artificial world of academia, things will become much easier. In CS, for instance, very few people will be from non-English backgrounds. I'm sure that you will reach out to those from other countries and help them with both your skills in code and pronunciation. In turn, perhaps they will teach you their pronunciation skills as an anecdote to the exchange of knowledge. This thread started out as a run of the mill racist diatribe, but now it's morphed into a cultural allegory that truly transcends I truly hope that you are able to share this with your tongue-tied prof so that he may see how little really separates us in this big melting pot we call the US and A.
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