Originally Posted by BMW E90
Yeah I saw that on the news last night. It's the first time that I've seen so many protests at so many schools (from k-12 to colleges). I really respected what they did but of course there were a few things they could have done better. At UC Berkeley students were marching on the fucking highway!! That was dangerous as hell! If I was protesting about the fee increase, I'd be sure to send a loud message so that EVERYONE can hear. I would get as many people as possible to dropout or simply refusing to go to class or maybe even not pay the tuition. I would do something drastic so that they get the damn message (as long as no one gets hurt).
I'm just so tired about all these fee increases. I know people (myself included) that were in a pickle because they were offering fewer and fewer classes making it very difficult for anyone to plan out their graduation. Also, many people barely have the means to go to a UC or CSU and now with the fee hikes, they'd have to go in debt just to get an education (I know it's common for some people but that's another story). I like how America is the land of the free with its "no child left behind" policy and "education/children are our most important priority" crap yet they're making things so hard on students.
Berkeley students protesting generally tend to be the most retarded of them all. I feel bad for those who are affected by the fee increases; it does not affect me at all (5 years of service in Marine Corps = free education after), but I think they are right for protesting the fee hikes. However, too many students are immature idiots who feel the need to break laws, disturb the peace and insight violence in an attempt at getting their point across.