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      03-25-2010, 12:45 AM   #79
bimmer freak
sandman0615's Avatar

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Join Date: Sep 2009
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so funny that 99% of people subconsciously or consciously think their fb pic will in any way give them any kind of chance with girls, it really makes me laugh. i see these lame ass kids in pics with no shirts and clearly flexing but trying to make it look casual like they arent flexing. if you are gonna get with a girl you are gona get with her if you arent you wont and your facebook pic in no way will ever influence that. people take facebook too seriously im very casual with it thats why i dont how the pic makes me look. in fact this was my facebook pic for over a year:

sorry if im rambling or incoherent blew a RFT and was drowning my sorrows
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