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      05-07-2010, 09:35 PM   #13

Drives: e92 TT
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: CSH LI,NY / Sarasota, FL

iTrader: (2)

idk about the regular cops on the LIE but the state troopers on the meadowbrook pkwy and Northern State Parkway are corrupt. but i'd assume since u are into carting u may have some of them in your pocket anyway
anyway, thats BS.
i know they love fucking with the working man and writing up a ton of safety violations including fire extinguisher checks and a 150 pt inspection, but its all on you, the business owner. i hate that.

unfortunately, sometimes u have to take a hit.

i suggest getting one of those ticketfix firms handy. u just fax them your tickets and u pay half win or lose. at least u dont wast time in court dealing with nonsense

Last edited by ililillilillilil; 05-07-2010 at 09:43 PM..
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