Thread: fuck paypal
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      05-08-2010, 07:21 AM   #4
UAP1 m
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Yeah. We are launching a new business this week. We ended up delaying a week to get setup with a merchant type of account instead of paypal.

We heard from some of our other friends that when you move large amounts (or have a lot of transactions close to eachother) you account will be frozen. Not only your account, all the people that have paid with their paypal account. Some of them have had VERY large amounts of money frozen for 6 months or more.

Even worse, their is nobody to call or talk to at Paypal about it. They just get blown off.

I am guessing this is some kind of security glitch that just locks accounts when certain actions happen. Probably was intented to cut down on fraud. I am guessing they are being cheap and lazy and not doing anything about fixing it. That will start effecting their business when people catch on (like we did) and start doing business with companies that do give a rip.
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