I am not a coffee snob, but here is what I have learned.
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf - Tastes like burned ass
Caribou Coffee - Tastes like burned caribou ass
Seattle's Best - A huge lie, unless Seattle is a sewer, because this coffee tastes like poop water
Starbucks - Burned, but not too assy. Drinkable and enjoyable.
Peets - The best chain store coffee I've had, I like it a lot
And yes, flavored creamers are gross. They taste like chemicals.
TBH I am not much of a hot coffee drinker unless it's very cold outside. I'm more of an iced latte person. But I like them strong and rich without that shitty burnt/bitter taste of cheapness.
favorite drip/home brew - no idea, I never make coffee at home. My friends have some good stuff when I go to their house.
favorite chain - see above
Favorite in a pinch - dunkin donuts coffee isn't bad. McDonalds iced coffees are way oversweetened but not terrible.
Last edited by FStop7; 06-16-2010 at 06:45 PM..