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      07-01-2010, 03:22 AM   #60
you know he kills little girls like you
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Originally Posted by jh valley View Post

andrew is easily a top tier user. he is definitely one of the most intelligent members of the forum and he's super helpful on and off the boards. he has a knack for solving puzzles and riddles. he likes to use big words in his posts, rumor has it he even read the entire dictionary once... overall he's pretty much in my top 5 favorite posters. i don't know how or why he hasn't been made a moderator yet, tbh
Moderator huh? I don't think I'd ever be made a moderator for two reasons:

1. I primarily post in OT.
2. There might be one too many occasions when I've not exactly been restrained in some of my replies.

BTW, thanks for the glowing review.
Appreciate 0