Originally Posted by E91 Dude
It sounds like they settled into a routine of taking you for granted (waking up later and later since they don't have to take the bus anymore), which quickly morphed into taking advantage of your kindness (bumming rides from you but making fun of you behind your back). You have no reason to think you're wrong just because they can't leech off you at their leisure anymore. Just because you live together doesn't mean you automatically share everything. I'm sure you have house rules; you should make car rules as well. If you talk about it, that should clear some of the awkward-ness from the air.
+1 with the rules. this is what i do to my younger brother and his friends. i would frankly tell them that i don't mind doing them favors and having them around the house but they do need to make sure they clean up after themselves and do their parts or they would loose privileges and i would have to make more rules for them if they don't set their own boundaries. i do it to friends my age too. they respect me even more and i give them the same respect. (and of course i also follow the rules that i make.)