Originally Posted by awesome
damn baller, that place looks pretty sweet. that parking situation would piss me off though. i hate condos
Only $120 for a garage isn't bad, 3 blocks to walk is good exercise and really not far at all. I could get a garage spot in the building but I don't think it's worth double the price.
Originally Posted by Scarabeo
Born in Hartford and raised in Glastonbury! Winters are not bad if you like to ski - Vermont is only an hour away....
I was born in Hartford, raised in Branford, and then moved to Tolland when I was 16. I don't ski or do any kind of winter sports lol.
Originally Posted by just4kickz
how much? I'm living in a pretty old apt complex... paint is chipping... windows arent sealed well, but I'm okay... as long as birds dont start flying in. My roomie and I pay approx 1330 after cable/internet/utilites.
$1980/mth which includes the amenities like the gym, water, and heat. But we're splitting it so about $1,000 each. Right now I'm paying $1224 so it will be less actually since I'm living alone now.