alright, how do i solve this issue
So its about 12:15am and I'm trying to sleep. So for about a half an hour straight on and off this asshat on his chopper bike was WOTing up and down the main street. I mean, its hot, summer, ive got my damn window open- And this guy thinks it's funny to haul ass with his straight piped piece of garbage up and down the street and wake up everyone.
So this lasted till about 1am ( I must have finally fallen asleep after my rage session). And this morning I wake up to jack hammering (irrelevant but ffuuu).
So I'm thinking, I live in a gated community, this guy wouldn't have been able to get in that late if he didn't live in here. SO there's only one guy who lives a street below mine who owns a chopper that sounds exactly the same. He's just some prick going through a middle aged crisis and I always see him coming and going thinking hes a badass... no big deal everyones a little gay sometimes.
But this reallllyyy pissed me off that this headcase is going out on a thursday night (Well friday really) to wake everybody up when people have work in the morning ect ect.
So, what do I do? The cops around here are ineffective and lazy.