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      08-23-2010, 01:49 AM   #21
thez99's Avatar

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Honestly I think its ugly as shit..and id never be comfortable in it, not just talking about the privacy either.

Flat plain floors, boring colors, no cozy areas at all in the house, fuckin "living room" looks like a mansion in itself, I would never feel good or comfy about being in that hellish looking plaster-ish bathroom..

Really I cant find one really nice thing about the place, im sure it cost oodles of money n all that bullshit, but really, if I was gonna spend that much money on a house. Itd be a REALLY well laid out and comfy smaller house with a sweet basement, a nicely colored kitchen, smaller bathroom, just all around cozier comfier everything, and ffs more than 1 floor...

I feel better in less space anyhows, would never be a fan of large places unless I had loads of stuff or people to fill it with.

Finally, if again I had that much money, id build my dream house up on a tall hill or the middle of a valley overlooking countryside or the coast, def something with a breathtaking view and loads of privacy.

One can dream
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